Still absolutely one of the best programs on TV. It starts very strongly and I love the style of “Zanzibar”. I think it becomes slightly predictable and loses some of its edge in the last three episodes; a fact especially obvious in “To Have and to Hold” I still wouldn’t miss an episode though.
Every episode of every season is engaging, but this season opens with, and maintains, an extremely high standard. “The Devil of Christmas” is brilliantly done, but the ending is a bit too much. “The Riddle of the Sphinx” is my favourite episode of S3.
Sometimes hits the mark. I like listening to him and some of it is neatly constructed, but other topics were worn out long before Gervais picked them up.
Large improvement on S1. Conversation St is awkward, as are some of the more Neanderthal comments by Clarkson. But the segments are generally high quality. The Jaguar episode was particularly entertaining.
It’s just a very neatly done TV show. Every episode is memorable and stands firmly on its own. The ‘12 days of Christmas’ is the stand out.
Not sure if it’s trying to be a live action videogame. But whichever way you look at it this is a big mess. Bad plot. Bad acting. Bad special effects. What a mess.
Tense and gripping build up. Tries to be a modern day Die Hard, but fails with an over the top, rushed, poorly conceived and executed final 30 minutes. Worth it for the first part though, but lots of violence.
I do find it somewhat unbelievable, but I guess we have to take the show’s outcome at face value. An interestingly unpleasant watch.
I wasn’t keen to watch this, given some of the negative reviews, but i am glad I did. Gorgeous cinematography, great cast, good acting and a reasonably faithful plot. I think it’s great that this story gets introduced to a new generation with such a good movie.
Nicely done. Never dull and each episode is gripping and strongly worth watching. Although I really wasn’t expecting, nor wanting, the outright horror of the last episode called ‘The Harrowing’.
An absolute mess. I have nothing positive to say. Nothing to like. From the plot, to the acting, to the special effects. A complete mess.
Finally got around to seeing it. DiCaprio is excellent and the story unfolds very well; albeit the twist became evident long before the end.
Pretty neat and some real laugh out loud moments. This has potential to get very good and set’s up S2 very well.
First half builds tension brilliantly well. The second half wraps things together, although believability is stretched. Overall an impressively tense affair.
Enjoyable show - and despite the judges bravado indicating otherwise, it demonstrates just how difficult it is for app developers to build something truly new, appealing and useful.
Too rushed and too predictable. Season 7 did too much in too few episodes. Felt very staged and simplistic in places. Still many a gripping scene though.
High production value and a gripping storyline - well acted too. Super premise and a lot of anticipation built for S2.
Some promise and some nicely set-up scenes; if a little formulaic. But ultimately it’s yet another post apocalyptic story to go alongside the zillions which already exist.